Hopefully you are here as a result of being referred to us because that’s how we get most of our business. Otherwise, we have the unenviable task of trying to persuade you how great we are when every other contractor web site tells you the same thing. Words like quality and craftsmanship get old really fast when you are reviewing contractor sites.
Since the company began in mid 2006, that makes us a fairly young company, but old enough that we’ve surpassed the seven years that serves as a statistical mile marker. Companies that remain strong at the 7 year mark tend to last. We point this out because we got here by being reliable and by treating clients so well that they provide the referrals that have kept us strong.
If you need any type of residential or light commercial remodeling or construction in the Seattle area, that’s quite simply what we do. We’re not offering any fancy ways of saying it or boring you with sales pitches.
In fact, we’re not even asking that you let us provide a quote. No, let all the other contractors provide a quote if that’s what they want to do. What you really need to do is interview the contractors you are considering using. We would appreciate being interviewed. We’ll provide all the information you need to make an informed decision.
It’s the way we would want to be treated if we were in your position, and with Lawrence Construction, that’s the way you will be treated. The goal is not just to get your business, but to give you an experience that will lead to more referrals like those that have gotten us this far.
To interview us for your project, just ask. We will be honored to have that opportunity.
Special Notice
This web site is under construction in addition to our real world construction projects. If you have arrived here now, there is some virtual construction dust while our web people are building this site. Like we said above, the company is built on referrals. It didn’t happen with a fancy site.
Please call (425) 422-3533 to speak with Jeff about your construction or remodeling project.